First, I am not a Lady Gaga fan. I mean I can appreciate her artistry and some of her songs, but she’s not on any of my playlists. So when I kept hearing about this kid Greyson singing Lady Gaga, I kept ignoring it.  Mooove it along, I thought to myself.

But everyone kept— going—-on….
“Its going viral!”
Its on “You Tube”!
“Justin Beiber fans watch out!”
(I still don’t know what Justin sings for crying out loud!)

Anyway the noise became too loud, and I finally had to see what everyone was fussing about.  So I watched this video of Greyson singing at his school (maybe the talent show?)

I thought I’d regret wasting the time, but it couldn’t have been farther from the truth especially when I saw him belt it out on Ellen! The kid is like 12 years old!

You may be wondering why I am going on and on about this, so I’ll get to it.
I was really struck but the spunk this kid had to get up in front of his peers, at his school, and put on that performance. Kids are a rough crowd to begin with, and let’s face it a young boy singing a Lady GaGa Song on the piano would get you a black eye in many places.

I really have to honor his willingness to step out on the ledge to show the world his authentic self. He’s committed, passionate, sings great, plays piano great, and he laid it all on the line. Now, just days later he has a record deal.

What a great reminder to us all. When you let your light and full authentic self shine, you may fear coming under fire, and odds are that you will. The more you unleash your true power and potential, when you express yourself fully and show your authentic self….some people will try to hold you back, to keep you where you are now, to keep you in the box THEY see you in.

But hear this.

When you stand in your truth and surround yourself with others doing the same….nothing can stand in your way.

Is there any area of your life (Work, Home, Spiritual life, Physical) where you are holding back? Staying in the background so that it is comfortable for others? Take a chance and step into the spotlight! Allow your full self to come forward in this moment and watch what happens!