Are you finding it harder and harder to stay positive due to the “current state” of affairs. It can feel challenging as time passes on, to keep your head up when around us, things are admittedly challenging for many right now.

It is important to remember that managing your mindset is as important as every other part of your business.

Our repetitive thoughts can motivate and uplift…. or slowly drag you down.

So what’s a girl (or guy) to do?

So many people have been asking me about this I thought I would share a few suggestions.

Mind your surroundings: Who are you spending the most time with? What are you reading and listening to? Where do you spend your most time?

i.e. I no longer watch the news and simply read articles online that are of interest. I have found this immensely helpful. I don’t mind knowing about BP”s disaster but I also don’t find it helpful to my life to have those pictures playing in my mind over and over. So I don’t allow that to happen.

Create your own GREAT MOOD! Playlist. I listen to mine often and it always raises my energy and gives me a little boost!

Feel free to visit Get Inspired on where we continue to add videos, music and stories that will inspire you or simple inspire a smile!

Start “mining for good”! Look for, and share, good deeds and stories of success (big and small). Look on Facebook, while you are reading blogs, or chatting with friends and mentors. Want to feel inspired? Watch this girl set her mind on gratitude!

Lastly don’t take your life so personally. Sounds strange I know.

I firmly believe that we are each responsible for own life condition (as my sweet friend David Hudson once said to me), but it is also important to remember that the journey is not going to be perfect. The journey is not meant to be perfect.

There are hills and valley, loves and losses. Some times you will shine brightly in success and other times you may be pulling yourself up from your bootstraps, and that is all beautiful and it is all okay.

Don’t judge your life. Experience it and enjoy it as best you can where it is right now.