We’re talking about Profit Planning this month in the ROCK YOUR BIZ members only club, and the RISE MASTERMIND.  In this month’s training sessions, we’re going beyond goal setting, and helping our clients, map out specific easy-to-follow plans to create the income they want and deserve.
The ROCK YOUR YEAR Planner is a big help>>> this first page is the first step, then we pull down into daily action steps from here! 

So I thought I’d share a few ideas on how you could add a little extra KA-CHING to your month too.

Have you played around with your numbers lately? If not, time to take a peek!

1. Where do you want to go? 
Forget about what you think you “could” make, let’s talk about what would get you excited.  $10K a month? $20K? $30k? More? 

Make a number that’s a little beyond what you’ve ever done before. WRITE DOWN YOUR NUMBER NOW. 

2. Why do you want to go there? 
Anchor to your WHY. Take a moment to write down 5 reasons WHY doing this is important to you. My why’s often have to do with family, security and freedom.
But I’ll be honest, I also like to hit new revenue goals just to see if I can. I find it to be a HUGE rush when I breakthrough a new level and then make that my “new normal”.

So the $10K months that used to blow my mind, are now over shadowed by what have become $30K months, which will soon be replaced by an even bigger and more fun number!
Up and up and away we go! 


Here’s where we’re going slightly off the normal path of goal setting.
3. Now you’re going to map three to five paths that will allow you to get your number. 
Let’s say your number is $10K per month. (to make the math easy). Have fun playing with different rates and number of items sold.

ROAD #1: 
10 clients at $1K per month 

ROAD #2: 
5 VIP Days at $2000 

ROAD #3: 
7 private clients at $700 = $4900 + 10 people in a group @ $300 = $3000 + 6 home study programs at $350 = $2100 

ROAD #4: 
10 private clients at $700 = $7000 +?10 people in a group $300 = $3000 

ROAD #5: 
2 VIP DAYS @ $1000 = $2000 + 10 clients @$500 = $5000  10 ppl in a group at $300= $3000 

Finding multiple ways to get your number boosts your brain’s understand that this IS possible! It also gives you choices on how to get there! 

Doesn’t matter if your goal is $10K or $30K per month, the steps are always the same. 

Now that you know where you’re going, why you want to go, and how you’re going to go…   we can create a daily action plan to guide your day to say activities! More to come next week!

Need some extra help? Click here and fill out this brief questionnaire, and if you’re a good fit for the ROCK YOUR BIZ members only club.