Ever feel like your sales presentations (to one person or to many) are a falling a little flat? 

You might think that “great rapport”is something that happens naturally, but its important to recognize that we can take specific action to help to create it!


When your presentation is engaging and interactive you’ll find that you:

  • Create a greater level of trust 
  • Will close a higher percentage of sales
  • Have greater impact
  • Become more memorable
  • Are perceived as a leader and an expert
  • And let’s face it, they’re also more fun for everyone!

You know you’re succeeding when:

  • You’re enjoying a strong closing ratio
  • Your audience (of one or many) consistently responds and reacts to you
  • Hands are popping up to your questions
  • Notes are being taken
  • Questions are being asked
  • People are sitting forward
  • The room has energy

What’s the trick? 

The Key to Interaction is to ASK for it!
It really is as simple as inviting your audience in to your presentation with questions! 

at the end of your introduction,
 so that you set the example early on, that your talk/sales presentation/meeting requires their participation. Its not time for your audience to tune out, its time for them to tune in!

Below are two different types of questions that you can ask in the beginning of your presentation so that you start off with the right energy, create connection, and break the barrier that exists between you and your audience!


It will create interaction, and also give you a bit of information about the room, and the various opinions in the room. 

For example you could ask:

“How many of you feel that presentation skills impact your closing ratio by at 50%? How about 60%? How many of your think more than 60%”

(This is something I teach to my private clients and its super cool!) 

A “Gathering Question” is one question, asked two different ways, to scoop up the whole of the room. So you get the “Yes people” and the “No people” all on one bus!

Sample Gathering Question:

“By a quick show of hands, how many of you regularly speak to groups in order to attract more clients and gain greater visibility? 

Okay great, and how many of you do not speak to groups yet?

Great well you’re all in for a treat because today we’re talking about….”

See how by asking this question, I’ve effectively involved everyone, gotten a response for everyone, and made the presentation applicable to everyone in one swift move! 

Pretty cool, right?

This strategy is fast, easy to use, and works like a charm!

Creating this response and rapport is a strong step towards getting a yes. And we know for sure that without it, there is no YES in your future.

So take a moment to create a few questions that you can use in your next presentation! Your audience will thank you and it will surely show in your results!

Word to the wise: 
Do not ask patronizing questions like “how many of you want more business?”.  Its old fashioned, inauthentic, and frankly people just don’t appreciate it. 

Do ask ACTUAL questions 
that give you more information about the room, while getting them to interact and engage with you. 

Looking for additional help and support growing your business, in alignment with your mission and message? We’re here to help! 

Click here to request your 30-minute strategy session with Kristin to determine the best next step for you!