If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed trying to choose your talk’s TOPIC 
or if you’ve ever had a talk that didn’t have you walking out with clients and cash… 

You’re going to want to sit up for this one. 

You might be thinking. 
And this is the beginning of a cycle of overwhelm, plus its a TRAP… and a lie! 

Here’s the good news… 

You don’t really have as many choices as you might think! 
Its really much simpler (and more strategic than you might imagine). 

Here’s what you need to know: 

1. BEFORE you write a single word, you always need to ask yourself the #1 most important question. What do I want people to do at the end of my talk? 

Do you want them to enroll in a workshop? 
Do you want them to sign up for a coaching jumpstart? 
Buy your product? 

Answer this question first. 

2. What is the program or product about? 
AH HA! Now we’re getting somewhere! This is going to tell you what you’re talk should be about. 

3. Your signature talk prepares people or previews what’s coming in the paid program. 

You’re signature talk ideally makes the case that people need help solving a problem they have. 

It also helps them get started down the path. (not TOO much content, just enough!) 

I like to call it “excerpts and highlights” from the paid program you’re going to sell. 

So instead of picking topics out of thin air, you now have a connected, seamless experience for audiences that leads them straight into your offer. VOILA!

They understand they have a problem. 
They get a few ah-ha’s and get started solving it. 
Then they can take the next step with you by stepping into your product or program. 

Now you’ve got a strategic plan for your talk and its topic. Its designed to educate and convert strangers into fans and paying clients! Woot woot! 

Need help designing your talk to sell? Choosing the right strategy around your talk, your offer, and how you’ll cash in from it? Need feedback, mentorship & support along the way? Simply email Coaching@SpeakServeGrow.com for an application and chat with Kristin to determine the right program to help you.