I thought this was important to share with everyone so here you go!

How to Memorize Answers to Common Questions or Objections?

We don’t get to go into lots of detail in the full memory workshop about this topic, though what you are really doing when you memorize answers to common questions and objections is giving a presentation, which everyone learned how to do! We’re just going to apply the same technique here to make sure that we can easily snwer tough questions, without stammering and stumbling over our words. This is a place where nerves can really get in your way, IF you are caught unprepared.

Coaching Tip on Addressing Objections/Concerns: When someone asks you a question or brings up an objection (which I prefer to call “concerns”) you will want to stay open rather than becoming defensive. Some questions are from people who simply want to reposition themselves as the alpha person in the room they want to prove their intelligence level by challenging you. However most people are asking questions because of genuine interest in you or your product or service. Its a buying sign! Either way, our response should be about the same.

Two actions to avoid that can cause clients to lose confidence in when you respond to a question or concern are:
1. Hesitation.
2. Rambling/Implied apologies

You will want to answer confidently, without hesitation. You will also want your answer to be concise. Avoid rambling or “apologizing”.

Example of apologizing/rambling
Prospect: Wow the house is a half hour away?
You: Uhh, well, yes. Is that too far? I really think it would be worth the drive. The traffic isn’t that bad. The location is really great……etc etc. (the more you talk the more nervous you sounds at this point)

A better choice might be:
Prospect: Wow the house is a half hour away?
You: Yes. Its a must see.
(You may add questions at this point that anchor client back to their goals)
Your challenge with the homes we’ve seen so far has been the view and the privacy of the lot correct? Okay great so that is why we definitely want to check out this house.

So how can we use memory training to help us easily recall great answers to really common questions or objections? For all you memory grads this is a snap!

Client’s Pricing Concern: You charge 5% commission? Seems like a lot.
You: I can appreciate your concerns (always validate first). There are three main reasons we set the commission at that rate as it has a great impact on the sale of your home.
1) That 5% includes a professional staging services, so that your home will flow and show better than other homes on the market in the sames price range.
2) It allows us to market your home in all the best venues, which is critical right now in such a challenging market.
3) It also allows us to offer fair compensation to the buying agent…and that too is going to help encourage more people to see your home.
Its about getting your home shown to the right people in the right places is what can make or break the sale.
Does that make sense? (confirm with your client)

While this is a longer answer you see that there are three main points, and we address each main point concisely. There is no stammering, no apologizing, and it is still very respectful of the client and their concerns. Now how do we memorize all of that so that we cover each of these points every time?

1. Decide on the trigger words (in bold) for each main section.
2. Create a picture for each trigger.
3. File each picture on your choice of any filing system. I will use the body files in this example.

Toes: Appreciate = hands clapping on your toes
Knees: Three = Tricycle smashes through a FOR SALE sign jammed into your knee (go back to your telephone pole list. Tricycle = Three!)
Muscle/Thigh: Staging = A stage with red curtains and bright lights
Rear: Market/Advertise = Shopping cart or a magazine whichever works better for you
Lungs/Ribs: Compensation= Dollar signs tattoo
Shoulder: Shown to right people  = house with perfect families walking in and out
Collar Bone: Make Sense? = Cents or pennies shooting our your collar bone like a slot machine

Quickly review in and out of order and then see how easily you can cover each of these points? Then follow this same process for a question you are often asked, that can really make or break the sale. With just a few minutes of attention you can be ready to rock the right answer without breaking a sweat!