People are always asking me how I do it. And sometimes it does feel a little crazy… and a little unreal.
Adam Urbanski called me one of his “Super Star Students!”.

A top technology company approached us about sponsoring our live workshop, before we even publicly announced it.

And we’re pacing to double our revenue again this year.

How does a regular person get rocking results?
I mean, I’m a hard worker, but I’m no rocket scientist.

Here’s the deal. I practice exactly what I teach and preach.

Speaking is one of the best ways to become known as a leading authority, to create a steady stream of leads, and to create big waves of clients and cash flow.
Let’s take a real-world example:

2 weeks ago,
I gave a 50-minute talk.

When I returned home, I didn’t hit the office, I hit the park with my son and took the day off.

The next day… helped my clients, trained my group, and picked up Gavin by 4pm. See a pattern?

I haven’t been tied to my desk or my phone like a slave.

Yet still, in the 14 days since speaking in Florida, we’ve generated just shy of $60,000.00 in sales.

And that’s still growing.

Here’s just one way to make it happen (without killing yourself in the office 7 days a week).

1. Create a strategy and plan to profit, BEFORE you ever invest in marketing materials or other big expenses.

People tend to create their talk in a bubble with no clear plan for the revenue streams that they can generate from it.

Know exactly how you’re going to generate your thousands ahead of time.

2. Create your branded signature system. Your branded system is the training or the program you want to be known for… and the thing you do like no one else.

Lots of people are running around with 5 talks and 10 topics or programs, and they still aren’t known for any one thing.

Get visible & get known on your HOT topic.

3. Create a rockin talk that spotlights your signature system and gets people fired up about working with you.

So many people are “good speakers”, meaning they give an interesting talk, but that’s where it ends. We want you walking out not just with compliments, but also with cash!

And that’s all about having the right structure and strategy.

4. Make a clear offer for people to take the next step… i.e. start working with you!

You need to be specific about where you’re directing people, and what they need to do next to be successful.

So make a clear offer (even if its free) and have simple instructions showing them exactly how to step into your programs.

5. Have a follow up system in place to thank people who say yes, and to stay connected with those who aren’t quite ready yet.

Sometimes a “no” is a “not right now”. So funnel new contacts into a series of messages that educate them, and get them deeper into following you.

Then you can make an offer again down the road, after you’ve earned a little more trust & connection.

6. Remember every single talk is an opportunity to grow your list, leads, clients, and bank account.

So have a strong confident & comfortable close. And be sure you know how you’ll collect leads, referrals, testimonials and more!