Few people would argue with more clients and more business! (If you would then I suggest you double your rates!)

So if you have been struggling to find new prospects to work with you then I want to encourage to shift your mindset.

Instead of thinking about working hard and climbing tall buildings or crawling over broken glass to find your next hot client (or two or five) I want you think about how you could inspire other people to help find new clients for you!

  • Who do you know that could become a referral partner?
  • Do you have incentives in place for people or organizations to refer your business
  • Who are your Raving Fans? Most of them would happily share what you do with their friends and associates- especially if you offered them something special in return.
  • Consider giving a free consult, a discount, or even setting up an affiliate program in return for referrals that lead you to business!

The point is that is using strong referrals and harnessing the powerful positive energy of those who know and love you, will be faster, easier, and will probably lead you to better prospects than you’d otherwise be able to muster up from nothing.

To really drive home this point I’m going to suggest you watch this fascinating and hilarious video on How To Start a Movement because I think sometimes a picture (or in this case a 6 minute TED movie), is worth a thousand words! Watch it now. Like all TED presentations, its really good.