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Kristin wants to help you rock your brand, talk, and biz into multiple six figures…

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Get ready to rock your brand, your talk, and your biz! I’m Kristin Thompson. Welcome to the Rise Formula!

Let’s talk about your life – what’s going on and where we’re going to go from here. First and foremost, I know this is down-and-dirty quick training here, but I’ve given you a lot of meat in a little bit of time. Down below is a link to a video. I definitely encourage you to watch that video. It’s got some great case studies so you can see what these steps look like in action when real people are doing it in the real world and getting real results. Where did they get stuck? How did they break through?

Then I’m actually going to be speaking. It’s a recording of me speaking live, talking a little bit about what it takes to break through to that multiple six-figure business you love. It’s a great video, so go ahead and click that link when you’re done here. It’s a good next step for you and a great training.

I want to take these last moments in the Rise Formula Training Series to talk about your life. I know this might feel a little backwards, but the truth is that most people get attracted in by the business ideas and the money, so I always want to put that content up front. And it does us no good to work through those steps without spending some time on your life.

So when you’re coaching with me and in our programs and at the Rise Live Event, this is usually where we start – taking a moment for you to take a breath and think about the kind of life you really want. Nothing is worse – well, there are worse things, but do you know what really stinks? That’s a better way to put it. When you bust your butt building a six-figure or multiple six-figure business, only to have to dismantle it because it makes you freaking miserable.

It’s happening all over the world, and I’ve had many good friends – more good friends have to dismantle their businesses and start over than friends who have not had to do that. That’s the shocking truth. Meanwhile, not only did I pass people by in my business experience who were doing six figures when I was just getting started, but I’m continuing to catapult forward where they’re having to start the reset button because they hated the business they built.

I have been very conscious about the kind of business I’ve built. Not because I’m better or smarter. That’s not at all what I mean. It’s just that I had to. I have a little son at home. He is in kindergarten this year. He’s not even in school full time, so I had no choice but to really figure it out because of the lifestyle decisions that my family has made. I had to figure out how to rock this out three days a week.

So that gets to benefit you in that now, what I feel called to do is pay it forward and say, “Hey, look! You have an opportunity here to do the same thing.” If I can share some really simple tips with you in this last section, you can build the rockin’ business you love. Whether you want to do $10k a month or $20k a month or $40k a month or more, you can do that on your own terms.

Are you going to work hard? Yeah! Do I have pretty intense work schedules when I’m in the office? You bet! But I’m only in the office Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. And even on those days, I start at 8:00 and I’m done by 3:30 p.m. That’s not even really a full day of work. So let’s talk about how that could be possible for you.

It starts by writing out your dream schedule.

Go into your calendar app or whatever calendar you use (I like to use iCal in the MacBook Pro) and print out a week. Go forward enough in your schedule so that there are no appointments on that week and you just have a blank week in front of you. Then you want to map out an ideal schedule. What time would your day start? When would you take your breaks? What time would your day end? What days would you like to be in the office?

My schedule is that I’m in the office on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Monday morning for the first hour, which starts at 8:00 a.m., is an hour just for me. That’s my own planning, get-my-head-screwed-on-straight time. Wednesdays at 8:00 is our marketing meeting. My team and I talk about the opportunities on the calendar, interviews coming up, partnerships coming up, promotions we’re doing, and promotions we want to do. Fridays at 8:00 in the morning, we do what we call our numbers meeting. That’s where we measure our results; what’s working and what’s not. So that’s our 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. hour, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Mondays and Wednesdays from that point on are mostly coaching appointments for two weeks out of the month. Those are for my private clients that are in the Rise Mastermind and the trainings that I lead for the Rise Mastermind and the Rock Your Talk and Biz Club. Those are all scheduled on Mondays and Wednesdays.

I also do all of my preview calls or preview webinars that are going to sell into programs on Wednesdays. Then I leave Fridays pretty open, and that’s when we book VIP days. It’s when I do chats with partners and potential partners. I do interviews and I create content. That’s my work flow.

Now on Tuesdays and Thursdays, does it mean I don’t work at all. No. I do, but I am not in the office. There are no trainings or coaching calls. All I’m doing is maybe popping into the membership site or Facebook and answering client questions or questions from my team. That’s about it.

So that’s how I have mapped out my schedule on purpose. My son to school those days. I leave the office by 3:30 and I pick him up from school. We hang out. We go get a hot chocolate together. That’s how I really mapped my schedule around my lifestyle, and now you want to be able to do the same thing.

Take your weekly calendar and really map out how you want your week to go. When do you want to see clients? When do you want to do planning or content creation? When do you want to talk to partners? When do you want to have time off to spend with your friends, families, and do all of the stuff you love to do?

Figure out when you want to go on vacation this year. Put it on your calendar now. Also, decide how much you want to travel this year. That’s another area because of the way that I’m living my life with my family. Next year it will get a little bit looser on some of my scheduling because my son will be in school full time. But to really tame my schedule, one of the other limiters we’ve put on is that I travel about once a quarter for my business to go speak at an event.

You might have a similar wish – to travel some, but not a ton. Maybe you want to travel all the time. That’s fine, too. Maybe you don’t want to travel at all. It’s a choice you want to make now because when we put this plan in action and we actually work together to Rock Your Biz and Your Talk, you’re going to get busy. Opportunities are going to come your way, and if you don’t have the limits and boundaries in place right now, they will get blown out of the water.

I promise you, I get more invitations to travel and speak at events than I can say yes to. So if I didn’t have those limiters, I would have been out of town more than would be healthy for my family based on the decisions we’ve made on how we like to rock and roll.

Those are some of the things you want to look at for you. The key thing to remember is that your office time is really what I’d call “peak hours”. Those are the hours you want to be either marketing your services and marketing your business or delivering. So the key things you want to accomplish during the work week are marketing and delivering your services. That will keep you growing a healthy business.

What’s next on the road for you? Well my friend, that’s your decision. Of course you can visit me any time on Facebook and at our home base at

Definitely click the link below. Watch the video where you can see real people putting these steps into action and getting real results in the real world! There are some really interesting stories that I know will inspire you and give you some ideas about what you could do, too.

And I’ll speak to you directly about what it’s going to take to rise up as the leading authority in your industry so that you can have that rockin’ image, rockin’ talk, and rockin’ six-figure or multiple six-figure business you’ll absolutely love.

Until we meet again, I’m Kristin Thompson and this has been the Rise Formula.

Kristin wants to help you rock your brand, talk, and biz into multiple six figures…

CLICK HERE to enroll in the Start Me Up with Speaking Class with Kristin.
Its free and super rocking, and its the perfect next step.

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